Go Skateboarding Day Vancouver 2024

This years Go Skateboarding Day Vancouver 2024 promises to take the event to the next level.
This year's GSD will feature a few new spots, some new obstacles added to spots, and more surprises.
Go Skate Day Vancouver takes place on a rare Friday on June 21st! Plan for your sick day or vacation.
$2500 in cash prizes given out for tricks at the spots! + a new $500 addition courtesay of Tech Deck for "Most Tech Trick"
Start: Downtown Skate Plaza at 11am and roll from there...
If you can't make the whole day join us at Strathcona for the final spot and the Annual Boardroom BBQ.
Plaza Meetup 11 AM
Official After Party at Fortune Sound 147 E.Pender St
w/ Kevin 'Spanky' Long Art Show (9-11pm) in the Special Projects Space
+ Loukeman, Rico Uno, Sincerely Hana, Wealthy. (9-2am) More TBA
Thank you!!
eS Footwear, Jenny, Stance, Vans, Skullcandy, Burb, The Boardroom, Spitfire, Supra Dist, Timebomb Trading Inc, Jarritos, Tech Deck & Red Bull